News & Highlights 2021

News from 2021

December 19, 2021
SPIRAL2 –LINAC-NFS is now fully operational!
December 2021 marks the end of an era as the SPIRAL2 project is now in routine operation and experiments using the Neutrons for Science Facility (NFS) have been started. The initial steps, included the challenges associated with the design of…
December 9, 2021
Spiral2, la fabrique des atomes
Ligne de transport des faisceaux de haute énergie de Spiral 2 au grand accélérateur national d'ions lourds (Ganil), à Caen. CEA / Philippe Stroppa À Caen, le nouvel accélérateur d’ions lourds du Ganil, Spiral2, achève sa mise en route. Toujours…
September 24, 2021
4D visualisation of a proton radioactivity with ACTAR TPC
An experiment performed at GANIL with the new detection device ACTAR TPC (ACTive TARget Time Projection Chamber) allowed for the development of a new technique for the direct reconstruction of the 3D trajectories of the protons emitted by the isomeric state…
September 13, 2021
AGATA at GANIL : seven years of success-story
The Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) campaign at GANIL has been successfully completed in summer 2021. The AGATA array, is the European forefront instrument based on semiconductor Germanium detectors, for high-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy in which France has a major contribution.…
July 19, 2021
20MeV/A alpha beams accelerated for the first time through the SPIRAL2 LINAC
Saturday July 17, 2021 The SPIRAL2 LINAC achieved another major milestone by accelerating to the design energy of 20MeV/A a 200µA 4He beam with a duty cycle of  1ms/s. This validates the acceleration of A/Q=2 particles through the LINAC.
May 11, 2021
GANIL-SPIRAL2 in Nuclear Physics News International
February 26, 2021
Running an experiment in GANIL during COVID19 pandemic
Current sanitary conditions - updated on 03/02/22 Be aware that this conditions may change depending on national policy: please check regularly this page.   form_COVID_CampCyclo2021_3fevr2022Download Each collaborator is responsible to take care of the travelling conditions/authorization from his/her country to…
January 18, 2021
Demise of Marc Lefort, first director of GANIL
It is with great sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Prof. Marc Lefort, who was the first director of GANIL (1975-1982) and who oversaw its construction. Marc Lefort was hired by the French Research Council (CNRS) by…