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Type Seminar
La physique dans tous ses états
Date April 02 > 02, 2024 - 11h
Time 11h
Location GANIL, Guest House
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NuPECC Long Range Plan 2024 for European nuclear physics – status and preliminary recommendations

by Marek Lewitowicz

Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC – https://www.nupecc.org ), organises regularly a consultation of the community leading to the definition and publication of a Long Range Plan (LRP) for European nuclear physics. To this aim, NuPECC has in the past produced five LRPs; the last one in 2017. The LRP identifies opportunities and priorities for nuclear science in Europe and provides national funding agencies, ESFRI and the European Commission with a framework for coordinated advances in nuclear science in Europe. It serves also as a reference document for the strategic plans for nuclear physics in the European countries. In May 2022, NuPECC decided to launch the process of creating a new Long Range Plan for European Nuclear Physics to publish the document in 2024. A draft of the LRP Report elaborated by more than two hundred physicists organized in ten Thematic Working Groups and the LRP Steering Committee will be presented and discussed with the community at the forthcoming Town Meeting in the middle of April 2024.

In this talk, a brief explanation of the LRP organization and procedure and its preliminary recommendations will be shortly presented.