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Type Seminar
Date March 02, 2021 - 11:00
Time 11:00
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October 14 > 16, 2024
Ganil Community Meeting 2024
GANIL, Caen | France
October 06 > 11, 2024
GANIL, Caen | France
September 27, 2024
Study of 235U(n,f) reaction with FALSTAFF spectrometer in a NFS facility
Room 105, GANIL, Caen | France

Ion traps: a powerful tool in low-energy nuclear physics

Antoine de Roubin (CENBG, Bordeaux, France)

The technique of ion trapping is an answer to the Heisenberg principle stating that a precise energy measurement requires a long observation time. Since the 60s,  ion traps providing environments free of uncontrolled events are under development in different research fields. Traps commonly utilized in low-energy nuclear physics are the linear Paul trap, the Penning trap and the recently developed MR-ToF MS. They are used as mass separators or mass spectrometers to separate and/or measure atomic masses.
A mass spectrometer is usually constituted with several ion traps, each having its own purpose, from. the beam preparation (the linear Paul trap), to the beam purification and mass measurements via a MR-ToF MS or a double Penning trap, depending on the experimental conditions.
After having introduced the above-mentioned ion traps, I will present two different sets of results. The first one is about the study of the nuclear deformation in the very exotic region A = 100 with the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE, CERN.  The second set of measurements, performed with JYFLTRAP at IGISOL, Jyväskylä, refers to low Q-value measurements in the framework of the determination of the neutrino mass.
Finally, I will present the new mass spectrometer: PIPERADE developed for the DESIR hall at GANIL.