GANIL welcomes international scientists to apply to its new visitor program.
The objective of this visiting-scientist program is to provide an international venue for research on nuclear physics, interdisciplinary research, accelerator and instrumentation developments.
The program intends to strengthen and favor international collaborations between scientists working in the area of physics of exotic nuclei, including nuclear structure and reactions, nuclear astrophysics, as well as tests of the standard model using exotic nuclei. The program also includes subjects related to materials under irradiation, nanostructuration, astrochemistry, radiobiology. The program is open to theorists, experimentalists and specialists in accelerators and detection systems.
The grants will cover travel and subsistence expenses for those researchers who are interested in spending a minimum of two months at GANIL to collaborate with GANIL scientists, as well as with researchers from other French laboratories. During their stay, short meetings and Workshops may be organized to favor exchanges with the whole French community and to increase the scientific impact and visibility of the collaboration project.
Applicants are expected to provide a CV and a short collaboration project, which will be reviewed by the GANIL User Executive Committee (GUEC). Projects for both ongoing and new collaborations may be funded. It is expected that a scientific contact in GANIL and/or in other French laboratories (related to GANIL activities) is included in the project definition.
This call will be open from June 15th up to September 1st 2024, for visiting scientists in 2025. Selected researchers will be notified in the first week of October.
If you are interested in constructing new or continuing collaborations with French colleagues working in nuclear physics and interdisciplinary research, as well as instrumentation developments, this opportunity is for you.
More details may be found here
Applicants are expected to send a CV and a short collaboration project at