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October 15, 2018

The first GANIL Community meeting, new avenues for GANIL and its community

The first edition of the GANIL Community Meeting was held on October 8-12th, 2018, in Caen, France. 104 participants from laboratories around the world came to debate the scientific programs for the next five years at GANIL.

The first edition of the GANIL Community Meeting was held on October 8-12th, 2018, in Caen, France. 104 participants from laboratories around the world came to debate the scientific programs for the next five years at GANIL. Experts in each field were invited to present the state-of-the-art and the physics programs to be developed at GANIL. Particular attention was paid to presenting coherent experimental and theoretical works. The talks were focused on science at GANIL, both from an experimental and theoretical point of view, utilising both the cyclotron complex and the linear accelerator of SPIRAL2. The format of the conference offered time for long and detailed talks and gave the community the opportunity to debate open questions and future programs.

As satellite events, the first meeting of the GANIL Users Executive Committee (GUEC) gathered the elected members of the bureau. The first meeting of the working group GT2 ” Which are the nuclear shapes and nuclear symmetries at the spin and mass frontiers?” of the GDR RESANET was held during the conference.

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