A new injector for worldwide-highest ion beam intensities
The purpose of the NEWGAIN project is to develop a new injector, consisting of an ion source (type: superconductive ECR) and an RFQ (A/q = 7), for the SPIRAL2 LINAG accelerator. It will enable GANIL to provide ion beams of worldwide highest intensities (from proton to uranium), thus opening up unprecedented opportunities for nuclear structure and reaction studies at the extremes of the chart of nuclides from N=Z nuclei at the proton dripline to super-heavy species, including the discovery of new elements, and the production of radioisotopes. It also makes it possible to extend the use of SPIRAL2 beams to interdisciplinary research as well as applications.
A White Book outlining the science requirements guiding the project is available via the following link:
White book – Science Requirements
Project leader: Marie-Hélène MOSCATELLO DI GIACOMO, GANIL
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