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Type Seminar
La physique dans tous ses états
Date February 26, 2019 - 11:30
Time 11:30
Location Room 105 | GANIL, Caen | France
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Plasma Modelization and Study for the Phoenix V3 ECR ion source

By Alexandre Leduc

In the framework of the Spiral2 project, the PHOENIX V3 Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) (upgraded version from the previous PHOENIX V2) has been developed to optimize the production of ion beams with charge over mass Q/A=1/3. The ion source to produce mainly metallic ions. For such beams, the atoms are, for a majority of them, stuck onto the chamber wall leading to a poor global ionization efficiency. A hybrid particle in cells (PIC) code is under development to study and reproduce the experimental spectrum from ion source PHOENIX V3. The simulation is 3D and focuses on the propagation of the ion. The simulation have several free parameters to adjust the charge state distribution at the exit of the ion source. The simulation has already provided some encouraging preliminary results.