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Type Seminar
Date December 20, 2019 - 10:30
Time 10:30
Location Room 105 | GANIL, Caen | France
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Multiple shape coexistence in the Z = 40 – 50 region

Paul Garrett (Department of Physics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada)

Detailed studies of the Cd isotopes, performed over the past two decades, have revealed systematic deviations from the expected properties for vibrational excited states [1]. Recently, using high-statistics data from gamma-ray spectroscopy following beta-decay, we found evidence for bands built on excited 0+ states in both 110Cd and 112Cd, and also evidence for a sequence of states with ΔI = 1 built on excited 2+ states [2]. Comparison with beyond-mean-field calculations provided a qualitative agreement, and led to the interpretation that the excited 0+ state were built on multiple shapes [2].

The possibility of multiple shape coexistence occurring in the Cd isotopes represents a fundamental change in their interpretation. To test these ideas, new studies have been initiated that will probe the shapes of the excited states. Further, we have also initiated studies of the Ru isotopes, where beyond-mean-field calculations also predict multiple shapes occurring at low-excitation energy. This talk will focus on these new interpretations, and the possibility that the low-lying level schemes of many nuclei in the Z = 40 – 50 region display multiple shape coexistence.

[1] P.E. Garrett, K.L. Green, and J.L. Wood, Phys. Rev. C 78, 044307 (2008).
[2] P.E. Garrett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 142502 (2019).


Practical information:

1oh30 GANIL seminar room (105)
Coffee will be served 15mn before