International activities and collaborations
  • International agreements and collaborations
  • European projects
  • International partners

Bilateral agreements supported by CNRS and IN2P3

Exchange of researchers supported by IN2P3

For more information, please, contact Sabrina Lecerf Rossard:

 Collaboration  Partner  Aims Duration
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 03-45  Germany  Isospin effects in multifragmentation 2003-
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 04-48  Germany  High-resolution experiments on the propertiees of nuclear matter 2004-2013
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 07-57  Germany  E511 Investigation of the di-nuclear system U+U 2007-2010
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 10-64  Germany  GISELE (GANIL Ion Source using Electron Laser Excitation) 2010-
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 15-71 Germany Preparation to the AGATA GANIL campaign 2013-
 IN2P3/CEA/GSI 15-73 Germany Studies on superheavy elements
(SHE) and challenges related to
materials behaviour under highintensity
heavy-ion beam
 IN2P3/CICYT – PN12-3  Spain  Isospin Symmetry 2010-2012
 IN2P3/CICYT – PN09-1  Spain  Etude des symétries dynamiques partielles en physique nucléaire et moléculaire 2009-2012
 IN2P3/CICYT – PN04-2  Spain  Noyaux très loin  et au-delà de la stabilité . Systèmes de détection associés 2004-2012
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Varsovie-Swierk (IPJ) 02-106  Poland  Direct reactions with Exotic Nuclei 2002-2010
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Varsovie – CSI-5 06-121  Poland  Studies of electromagnetic structure of exotic nuclei with GANIL facilities 2006-
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Varsovie – CSI-6 06-122  Poland  Spectroscopy Gamma spectroscopy of N-Z nuclei with EXOGAM 2006
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Department of Nuclear spectroscopy, Cracovie CSI-7  06-123  Poland  Spectroscopy of fermium and transfermium nuclei 2006-2011
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 08-128  Poland  New GANIL detection setup for SHE identification 2008-
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 09-132 (ancien CSI-13)  Poland  High energy gamma-rays as a probe of hot nuclei and reaction mechanisms 2009-2011
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 09-136  Poland  Influence of the neutron axcess on binary decays from compound nuclei 2009-
 IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 10-137 (ancien CSI-17)  Poland  Isospin symmetry breaking, exceptional points and effective symmetries from a perspective of the shell model embedded in the continuum 2010-
IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 12-145 Poland Advanced Monte-Carlo and GEANT4 simulations for optimizing future experiments dedicated to nuclear dynamics 2014-2016
IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 12-148 Poland Spectroscopie gamma de noyaux N-Z 2014-
IN2P3/Laboratoires Polonais, GANIL/Heavy Ion Laboratory, Cracovie – 16-151 Poland Development of stable and radioactive ion beams using ECRIS and Charge Breeders 2015-
 IN2P3/Rep Tchèque – Ganil/IPN/IPN Prague 05-25  Czech Republic  Properties and structure of light and medium nuclei near the dripline 2005-2010
 IN2P3/Roumanie – GANIL/IFIN 03-33  Romania  Nuclear structure at border lines between stable and unstable nuclei 2003-
 IN2P3/Roumanie – GANIL/IFIN 06-43 Romania Shapes and phase transtions in nuclei 2008-2009
 IN2P3/Roumanie – GANIL/IFIN 10-51  Romania  Nuclear characteristic time measurments from X-ray fluorescence 2010-2011
 IN2P3/Roumanie – GANIL/IFIN 10-54 Romania Thermodynamics of pairing correlations in atomic nuclei 2011-2014
 IN2P3/Roumanie –  GANIL/IFIN 13-57  Romania  Construction of SPIRAL2 BLM (Beam Losses Monitor) and its tuning for different linac operation modes 2010-
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 01-52  Russia  Synthesis of new elements 2001-
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 03-56  Russia  Theoretical studies of multinucleon transfer reactions leading to exotic nuclei and structure of superheavy nuclei 2003-2013
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 05-69  Russia  Neutron Drip Line Exotica in the Region of Shells N=20, 28, 40 and 50 2005-
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 09-83  Russia  Nuclei at the drip-lines, 2 proton decay and astrophysics 2009-2015
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 09-84  Russia  Secondary Beam Profiler for the SPIRAL2 2009-
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 10-86  Russia  Production of new neutron-rich heavy nuclei with neutron number 126 and investigation on their properties 2010-
 IN2P3/JINR Dubna – Ganil/FLNR 13-89 Russia Production of new neutron-rich
heavy nuclei with neutron
number near 126 and
investigation on their
IN2P3 (CFT) Nuclear theory studies


Exchange of researchers supported by CNRS

Collaboration  Partner Aim Duration
CNRS/Belgique Belgium Interuniversity Attraction Poles Phase VI European Partnership 2007-2011
CNRS/MSTD   Serbia Towards SPIRAL2 and EURISOL 2007-2008
CNRS/MSTD   Serbia Nuclear structure around doubly magic nuclei. The astrophysical p-process and the alpha capture cross
CNRS/DPGRF  Algeria Modélisation algébrique des excitations nucléaires collectives 2010-2012
CNRS/DPGRF  Algeria  Modélisation algébrique des excitations nucléaires collectives  2013-2014
CNRS/TUBITAK  Turkey Spectroscopie gamma de noyaux exotiques avec EXOGAM et développement associé d’une électronique digitale 2011-2012
CNRS/TUBITAK  Turkey Etude de noyaux exotiques de la région N=Z notamment 96Cd avec le numériseur NUMEXO2 d’EXOGAM2  2015-2016