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July 11, 2019

The 2019 experimental campaign with the cyclotrons continues at GANIL: new experimental challenges

The 2019 GANIL experimental campaign was marked by the first use of unique combinations of several new high-performance detectors. Thanks to the state-of-art instrumentation and beam developments for radioactive ion beams, new challenging experiments are being performed by international collaborations.

The high-resolution modular detection system FAZIA was coupled for the first time with INDRA, replacing the forward part of this 4π multidetector for charged particles. The combination of these detectors allowed for the first time a complete A and Z identification of multi-fragment reactions between Ni nuclei and will allow to better constrain the equation of state for nuclear matter.

The new generation active target, ACTAR TPC, benefited from the optimized stable and radioactive beams of the LISE spectrometer, to probe the variation of isospin of various resonances in exotic nuclei and exotic 2p-decay of an isomer.

The γ-ray array EXOGAM was used with the new generation digital electronics for a measurement of isospin-mixing in 38K. The experiment involved the Coulomb excitation of the isomeric state of radioactive beams from the upgraded SPIRAL1 facility.

The MUGAST multidetector was coupled to the AGATA tracking  gamma array and the VAMOS++ magnetic spectrometer for a campaign of three experiments. These experiments focused on characterizing the resonant states of the unbound 15F nucleus; the study of states in 47K  using  proton pick-up reactions; and an experiment which aims at a determination of the 15O(α,γ)19Ne reaction which provides the key breakout route from the Hot-CNO cycle.