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October 22, 2018

Improvements of the SPIRAL2 cryogenic system continue

Adjustments on SPIRAL2 cryogenic system are in progress. These modifications aim to:

– stabilize of the operation of the system, in particular the pressure of the helium baths, an essential criteria for the injection of the radiofrequency power in the cavities of the superconducting accelerator;

– add additional measure points in order to perform coupled radiofrequency and cryogenic parameters measurements;

– improve of the reliability and the maintainability of the facility.

These modifications have been approved by external experts in a seminar dedicated to cryogenic topics in March.

Finally, a total cooling down of the accelerator has been performed late August to test it before the injection of radiofrequency power. Improvements have allowed to get new data that are being processed, and further tests are progressing according to these findings.