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October 16, 2018

Kick-off meeting of the GANIL Users Executive Committee (GUEC)

The kick-off meeting of the GANIL Users Executive Committee (GUEC) was held on October 8th, 2018, in Caen during the GANIL Community Meeting. At this occasion, the members of the committee discussed how to ensure the role and missions of the GUEC for the laboratory and its community.

The GUEC consists of seven members: Silvia Leoni (University and INFN Milano, Italy), Andreas Görgen (University of Oslo, Norway), and Adam Maj (IFJ-PAN Krakow, Poland) were elected for four-year terms in on-line elections conducted within the GANIL user community during June and July 2018. Two members were nominated by the GANIL and CIMAP directorates, respectively: Maurycy Rejmund (GANIL, secretary and management liaison) and Marika Schleberger (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany). Two members were nominated by the collaborations around in-house and travelling detectors: Antoine Lemasson (GANIL) and Marlène Assié (IPN Orsay).

During the first meeting, the GUEC elected Adam Maj as chairperson for a two-year period.

The GUEC will assist the GANIL Management in developing an ambitious scientific program for GANIL. In consultation with the GANIL user community, the GUEC will give advice on developments of infrastructure, detectors, operation, and both short-term and long-range planning of campaigns. The GUEC will furthermore organize annual meetings of the GANIL User Group, and coordinate the editorial board of the GANIL Annual Report. The chairperson of the GUEC will serve as ex-officio member of the GANIL Scientific Council, and he will confer on a regular basis with the chairpersons of the Program Advisory Committee and the GANIL Scientific Council. The first GUEC will prepare the Terms of Reference defining precisely the role and organization of the committee and the GANIL User Group. This document will be available by the end of the year.

The GUEC members welcome an active dialog with the GANIL user community. GANIL users are invited to contact the committee members individually or by email to to give feedback and to help both the GUEC members and the GANIL management to shape the scientific program for GANIL.