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August 1, 2018

Completion of the two runs of 2018 scheduled experiments at GANIL

From April 3rd to July 29th, 2018, the GANIL accelerators delivered to users stable and radioactive beams. The first run was characterized by the starting up of the AGATA-NEDA-DIAMANT campaign.

Five experiments have been running with very intense stable beams in the G1 room, where nuclear physics researches teams used the unique combination of AGATA, NEDA, the neutron wall and the Diamant charged particles detector array.

Three experiments have been performed in D6 with the MUST2 detector using radioactive ion beams produced by the recently upgraded SPIRAL1. The production and post-acceleration of new ISOL beams, including metallic and condensable elements, has also been tested at SPIRAL1.

Tests of ACTAR TPC active target have been performed with a beam of 20Ne.

During this 2018 runs, the interdisciplinary research teams have performed 14 experiments on ARIBE facility, 11 on IRRSUD beamline, 13 on medium energy (SME) beam line and 5 with high energy have been dedicated to radiobiology experiments gathering each one multiple international teams.

In this period, GANIL’s beams have been delivered to irradiate components for industrial applications.