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May 10, 2018

GANIL hosted the first China-France Joint Nuclear Physics

The first edition of the China-France Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium was held in GANIL from April 10th to April 13th, 2018. 57 participants from both countries attended the event.

The Symposium was dedicated to the presentation and discussion of projects in fundamental nuclear physics and its applications.

It gathered researchers, directorates and representatives of Chinese institutions, laboratories and universities and of CEA, IN2P3 and GANIL for the French side.

At the end of the meeting, the participants have confirmed their will to pursue and develop the present collaborations and consider, as a first step, the establishment of a LIA (Joined International Laboratory) as a relevant tool to reach these objectives. A second edition of the workshop is foreseen in 2020 in China.

This symposium was supported by the IDEAAL (International DEvelopment of gAnil-spirAL2) project which aims to develop and structure the international collaborations between GANIL and its partners.

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