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March 18, 2018

Review of the Super Separator Spectrometer (S3) project, SPIRAL2 experimental room

The review of the Super Separator Spectrometer (S3) project has been held in GANIL at the beginning of the year.

The review committee was consisted of five members from CEA/IRFU, CNRS/IN2P3 and MSU (USA) who reviewed the status of the S3 spectrometer, SIRIUS (Spectroscopy and Identification of Rare Ions Using S3) setup and the Low-Energy Branch system, presented by the collaboration team.

In concordance with the goals of the meeting, the main missions of the reviewers were to evaluate the technical and organizational aspects of the project and to assess the needs in terms of human resources and costs.

They concluded by several recommendations addressed to GANIL, IRFU and IN2P3 directorates and to the collaboration team.